
Event industry FAQs: Event Planning: How can conference organizers coach their speakers to deliver a killer presentation?


Event planning is a crucial element in organizing a successful conference. It takes a lot of time and effort to ensure that everything is perfect, from selecting the venue, catering, accommodations, and registration process, to the most important aspect of any conference – the presentations. The success of a conference often relies on the quality of the presentations, and the delivery of those presentations by the speakers. Therefore, it is essential for conference organizers to coach their speakers to deliver a killer presentation.

Understand the Audience

Before you begin coaching your speakers, it is essential to understand the audience who will be attending the conference. What are their expectations, goals, and challenges? Knowing this information will help you guide the speakers on how to craft their presentation, what type of language to use, and how to engage the audience.

Establish the Objectives

It is important to establish clear objectives for the presentations. What is the speaker expected to achieve through their presentation? This will help the speaker focus on what they want to accomplish and help them stay on track. The objectives should be measurable so that you can evaluate the success of the presentation.

Provide Guidance on Content

One of the most critical aspects of delivering a killer presentation is the content. You need to provide guidance on what content is appropriate for the conference and what the audience wants to hear. Work with the speaker to ensure that their presentation is relevant, engaging, and informative.

Encourage Storytelling

Encourage your speakers to use storytelling as a way to connect with the audience. People are more likely to remember a story than a list of facts or statistics. Storytelling helps to engage the audience and makes the presentation more memorable.

Offer Tips on Delivery

Delivery is as crucial as content. Encourage your speakers to practice their delivery and provide tips on how to improve it. Some common tips include making eye contact, using body language, and speaking clearly and confidently.

Prepare for Technical Issues

Technical issues are always a possibility when giving a presentation. Encourage your speakers to be prepared for technical difficulties, such as computer malfunctions or internet connection issues. They should have a backup plan in place to ensure that their presentation can still be delivered successfully.

Conduct a Dry Run

Conduct a dry run with the speaker to ensure that they are comfortable with the content, the delivery, and any technology they will be using. This will help to identify any potential issues and allow the speaker to make necessary adjustments.

In conclusion, coaching your speakers to deliver a killer presentation is critical to the success of your conference. It is essential to understand the audience, establish clear objectives, provide guidance on content, encourage storytelling, offer tips on delivery, prepare for technical issues, and conduct a dry run. By following these tips, you can help your speakers deliver an engaging and memorable presentation that will leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Common FAQs about event management

Why is coaching speakers important in event planning?

Coaching speakers is important in event planning because the success of a conference often relies on the quality of the presentations, and the delivery of those presentations by the speakers. Coaching helps to ensure that the presentation is engaging, informative, and memorable.


What should conference organizers consider when coaching speakers?

Conference organizers should consider the audience’s expectations, goals, and challenges, establish clear objectives for the presentations, provide guidance on content, encourage storytelling, offer tips on delivery, prepare for technical issues, and conduct a dry run.


What kind of content should speakers deliver at a conference?

Speakers should deliver relevant, engaging, and informative content that is appropriate for the conference and the audience’s interests.


How can speakers engage their audience during a presentation?

Speakers can engage their audience by using storytelling, asking questions, using humor, making eye contact, using body language, and speaking clearly and confidently.


What should speakers do if they experience technical issues during their presentation?

Speakers should have a backup plan in place to ensure that their presentation can still be delivered successfully. They should also be prepared to troubleshoot technical difficulties, such as computer malfunctions or internet connection issues.


What is a dry run, and why is it important?

A dry run is a rehearsal of the presentation with the speaker to ensure that they are comfortable with the content, the delivery, and any technology they will be using. It is important because it helps to identify any potential issues and allows the speaker to make necessary adjustments.

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