
How to Make a Tutorial Video with a Screen Recorder Ready to create video tutorials? Learn how to record video with a video screen recorder and start today


Everybody can teach something different. Perhaps you are a coding wizard, a digital artist, or a gamer; whatever your activity may be, there will always be others who want to learn from you.

The billion-dollar question is, how does one go about sharing that knowledge effectively? How can one explain these complex things in simple terms? The answer, most of the time, is in the power of visual storytelling.

Today, we will walk you through a powerful tool to help you bring across your ideas, and connect with your audience: screen recording.

Why Video Tutorials Work

But before getting into how to make a tutorial video, we explain what tutorials are. Basically, video tutorials are the next best thing to step-by-step guides on how to use a product, software, or service. They are videos, articles, or sometimes even interactive walkthroughs that let one perform tasks more easily by breaking them down into smaller and more manageable steps in relation to what a user wants to do.

Here are some real-life examples of how tutorials can be used:

  • Troubleshoot a problem: Something is always going to go wrong with our gadgets, home appliances, and even our cars. This set of instructional videos helps in troubleshooting, detecting, and repairing the faults, hence saving much precious time and money.
  • Learn something new: Tutorials can make people learn new things regarding coding, installing software, and recording video on Windows, among others. Practical guides like “How to do screen recording” break down complex tasks into steps easily followed by any person.
  • Educational videos: In science, history, and even art, complex ideas need to be understood. Training videos break down such information into manageable chunks. It makes learning much more straightforward.
  • Creative building: Tutorials offer how one can create or build something, be it a website, a painting, or even furniture. They provide step-by-step instructions to guide a person in creating such a thing.
  • Saving money: Instructional guides will help people learn things by themselves and save money, for instance, fixing a dripping faucet or even making their clothes. 
  • Bringing people together: These tutorials can also bring people together. Online communities frequently gather due to a specific topic, like knitting or photography, to help users share tutorials and learn from each other.

Tutorial videos are one of the first steps for exploring video production ideas. They democratize complex information for a wide audience and let users do more.

Screencast Tutorials: A Guide to the Different Types

Screencast Tutorials: A Guide to the Different Types

Screen recordings provide the view with an example, step by step, of how to complete a certain task. Hence, the whole process of learning is much easier to follow through. They are widely used in creating video tutorials. Let’s look at some of the most famous types of screencast videos below.

Gameplay tutorials

These videos are very common on platforms like YouTube and Twitch, where they involve showing people how to play a game — oftentimes with added tips and tricks. They could be anything from a simple “beginner’s guide” to particular games to advanced strategies, depending on the player’s experience and the intricacies of the game involved.

Software instructions

It is a step-by-step explanation of a software application, generally detailing specific features or workflow. They can help users learn new skills or refine existing processes.

How-to videos

They will span from DIY projects to cooking recipes, and will increasingly become a popular form of sharing knowledge or skills. Tutorials mostly include step-by-step progress with clear instructions and vivid pictures.

Product reviews

The presenter concentrates on the features and benefits of a certain product, be it a tangible object or an intangible service. Businesses often use creative product videos to educate potential customers and increase sales.

Educational videos

Almost any academic topic may have learning videos teaching Math, Science, History, and Literature. These can be used in supplementing classroom teaching by a teacher, or as learning at one’s own pace by the student.

Live streams

While not quite in the league of tutorials, it could still be live-streaming much more effective for engaging the audience, when providing real-time instructions or demonstrations. The list starts from gaming to Q&A sessions and workshops. It can put itself into practice for several purposes.

How to Do Screen Recording and Create a Video Tutorial

How to Do Screen Recording and Create a Video Tutorial

Now that you know some of the types of screen-recorded videos, you can choose which one to create. Here’s an instruction on how to record video and make it an effective tutorial, focusing on the tools and techniques that make the difference: 

Tutorial Plan

Before hitting “record,” take some time to properly structure your tutorial:

  • Script or outline: A script or detailed outline helps you keep focused and maintain a logical flow throughout your video.
  • Target audience: For whom is it all being made? Are they new to this field, or are they pros? Use language and develop the approach based on their level of knowledge.
  • Visual aspects: Not a one-way affair of narration, enhance your video/animation with screenshots, diagrams, or even hand-drawn illustrations. This brings complicated concepts down to where they could be apprehended better.

Cameras and Microphones

Proper equipment will enhance the recording quality of your tutorials:

  • Microphone choice: Good audio requires a good microphone. Consider using a dedicated USB microphone or a high-quality microphone on the headset.
  • Webcam selection: A good webcam is a must-have if you plan to be on-screen. Look for one that picks up decent resolution and light.

Choosing Screen Recording Software

A good screen recorder lays the base for your video tutorial. Don’t just opt for the very first which you come across. Think about what features will help you create a high-quality tutorial and your budget:

  • Capture area selection: Can you pick which application window or the whole desktop to record? This lets you zoom in on what’s important.
  • Webcam integration: Want to show your face on screen? Seek apps that can integrate your webcam footage with your recording smoothly.
  • Audio Quality: Great audio is a must for the ear. Some screen recorders do better than others in terms of audio quality.
  • Editing tools: Many screen recording tools include basic editing capabilities for trimming clips and adding transitions. This is useful in making work easier.
  • Price: Define the best solution — a free PC screen recorder or a paid program.

Recording and Editing

Time for putting your plan into action:

  • Practice skills: Get familiar with your screen recorder and then capture your on-screen actions.
  • Basic editing techniques: Learn basic editing techniques by trimming clips, adding transitions, and even adding music. It is not rocket science, but it does take practice.
  • Simple design: Do not overdo the complicated editing effects. Focus more on clarity and efficiency.

Video Optimization

You have created a fantastic video, now let’s make it searchable:

  • Thumbnail design: This is the first visual impression, so it has to be tantalizing. A thumbnail should convey what your video is all about.
  • Descriptive titles: Be very explicit to your audience about what the tutorial covers. Make sure each of your titles makes sense and is as clear as possible.
  • Descriptive Information: Give a brief description of what they are about to learn from your tutorial and why they need to see it.
  • Keyword Optimization: It will help people find your video much easier by relevant keywords. 

The Bottom Line

Screen recordings offer many possibilities to share your smarts and effectively help people connect. You can deconstruct truly complicated things, teach them how to carry out tasks, and then engage with the audience.

Ready to dive in? Choose your screen recording tool, collect your thoughts, and start sharing your ideas. 


Ben Jacklin

Ben is a writer from the UK with qualifications in Media and Music Technology. He specializes in software reviews and tutorials and has been blogging about media and tech subjects since he was a teenager from his East England base.

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