
10 ideas for creating the best post-event report Learning valuable insights to build on for your next event


You might think it’s time to take a sigh of relief when your guests leave the venue, but your work isn’t over yet!  It’s time to create a post-event report.

Post-event management execution is crucial to oversee your event-related triumphs and defeats. 

Of course, it is important to pursue attendee engagement before and during your event and after too. By collecting feedback from your attendees you can create a post-event report to evaluate the success of your event. You can determine the event highlights and areas for improvement. You will use the attendee insights and sales information to help you perfect your event planning for the future, as well as calculating your ROI. 

Collating this information into a clear and concise report to have on file will summarise your accomplishments and areas for improvement. We are going to list the top 10 post-event activities and explain their importance to ensure the success of your events going forward. 

1. Attendee statistics

In terms of data gathering, one of your main priorities for your post-event report should be tracking how many people signed up and measuring this against how many attendees turned up on the day. It is important to keep a record of the signups and turnout, as a big disparity in numbers suggests that your pre-event engagement could use some work. If signups were low, this also suggests that you need to fine-tune your event promotion strategy.

2. Revenue

Recording your profits and ROI are also high-priority post-event tasks. You can create a graph to visually represent your event costs, as well as the money made through ticket sales and other sales associated with the event, such as refreshments. It will be not only useful for your fiscal purposes but will also be significant for pitching future events.

Post event report


3. Marketing success

It is important to reflect on your marketing and promotional activities to see whether they were effective in engaging your attendees.  You should write a summary of your PR efforts, visitors to your website, email open rates, and social media engagement. You should use web analytics to support the outcome of your promotional activities. You can also summarise attendee demographics by age, location, and job title. You must know your audience so you can target them successfully. 

4. Sponsorship

You should also keep a summary of your sponsors for the event and relevant numbers. You should include a summary of sponsorship packages and sponsorship revenue to evaluate the success of your sponsors. Feedback from your sponsors should also be included, and is immensely valuable information for marketing and gaining of sponsors for future events.

5. Attendee survey

Attendees are one of the most valuable tools at your disposal, so you should be conducting a post-event follow-up. One of the most simple and effective methods for measuring your event’s success is by asking your attendees what they thought. You can conduct this post-event engagement in a couple of ways. The most effective method is to send an email with an electronic questionnaire attached; alternatively, you can reach out through social media channels. You can then collate these responses and integrate them into your report.

Aim to send your survey within 12 hours of the event to increase the likelihood of a response as the event is fresh in their mind. Try to keep it short and sweet so the attendees complete the survey. You can create a customer satisfaction survey, such as a 1-10 rating. The following questions will provide valuable insight:

    • How much did you enjoy the venue?
    • How courteous and friendly did you find the staff?
    • How would you rate the relevance of the speaker?
    • How much did they enjoy the workshops?
    • Would you recommend this event to others?


6. Social media engagement

Social media engagement is now an incredibly important method of interacting with your attendees, which is why you should incorporate it into your post-event evaluation. By recording the numbers of shares, likes, and comments on your social media posts is a good way of assessing how well-anticipated your event was by social media users. This is essential for strategizing how to spread the word for your next event. 

As well as the numbers, you can also use the social media engagement data for qualitative analysis. By looking at the tone and content of comments and conversations being had about your event, you will be able to gauge whether the reception of your event was positive or not. This feedback is crucial to managing expectations for future attendees.

7. Content creation

In conjunction with your social media marketing efforts, you can look specifically at the performance of your content that you created to promote the event. This will help you to determine which digital marketing tactics to employ next time. As well as measuring social media metrics, you can look at the traffic leveraged by blog posts, and the duration of time spent on these web pages. If your blogposts had a high bounce rate, it is time to contemplate how to make your content more relevant and useful to your readers so you can engage with them better.

8. Guest appearances

Appearances are one of the most magnetising elements of an event, whether it’s a performer, speaker, workshop, or maybe even an in-demand food stall. Keep a list of the attractions from your event and assess which were the most attended and which were the most anticipated. You can study the anticipation by looking at social media engagement with posts advertising the guests. Looking at this will help you determine what guests to book to make your next event even better.

Brilliant post event report ideas


9. Venue

The venue for your event is an incredibly important factor in the success of your event. For budgetary purposes, you should consider the expenses related to your venue and whether it was worth the cost for the value provided. You should report on logistical factors such as: 

    • The accessibility.
    • The guest capacity.
    • How appropriate the space was for the event.
    • The AV equipment and support.
    • How well staffed the event was.
    • Catering options.
    • How smoothly everything went on the day.
    • If you hosted a virtual event you can reflect on whether the hosting platform performed well.

10. Conclusion

In the conclusion of the post-event report, you can sum up your key takeaways from your findings for future events. You can summarise key recommendations which you have obtained from the report. You can include suggestions from staff, sponsors, speakers, and attendees from the event.

You should also conclude with recommendations for your engagement strategy and how to modify this going forward. One of the most important methods of attendee engagement is your visual content, including event photography and videography. Professional, high-resolution photography and videography are excellent for promoting your event beforehand and engaging with attendees afterwards. You can also use this visual content to market future events.

If you require a videographer or photographer to improve your attendee engagement strategy, book with Splento to secure the success of your future events. By booking with Splento you can hire a photographer or videographer to create amazing visual content for your event marketing efforts. Contact a member of the Splento team today to chat with a team member about your visual content needs.

Experience high-quality photography with a trusted photographer near me for your next event.

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