
Event photographer must-know tips: Ethical issues in event photography How to ensure you adhere to the ethical principles of event photography


In order to be respected within the event photography industry, event photographers must adhere to a set of rigid principles that constitute ethics in event photography. 

Ethics in photography are subjective and can differ from place to place, from business to business, and even between types of photography. For instance, photojournalism has a rigid ethical framework centred around consent and privacy because the photography often takes place in public and deals with more sensitive material than event photography, which is typically more regulated and organised.

This article will explore the legal and ethical issues in photography, covering the importance of ethics in event photography to ensure that you, the event photographer, have all the must-knows under your belt. 


Legalities and Ethics in Event Photography: Code of Conduct

Although, as previously mentioned, different forms of photography generally have different ethical principles, some principles outlined in The National Press Photographer Association (NPPA)’s ‘Code of Ethics’ can be directly applied to your practice in event photography. Here are some examples of ethical issues in event photography:

Be correct and thorough in the representation of your subjects

Make sure that your framing of the photo includes all the relevant elements to ensure that you are capturing your subject’s actions accurately. 

Do not misrepresent the subjects in the photograph during the editing process

In a similar vein to the point above, do not edit anything out of the photo that makes the story you captured in that photograph incomplete. For instance, if you were taking a photo of two people delivering a talk or presentation, do not crop the photo to make it seem like only one person was holding the floor at that moment.

Show consideration and respect for your subjects

If you have to go close to your subjects to get a good shot, talk to them before you take the photo and make them feel comfortable in your presence. It is unacceptable to simply enter their personal space with your camera having no prior interaction or discussion of what you are about to do.

Maintain the highest standards of behaviour in all professional interactions

It goes without saying that you need to conduct yourself professionally throughout the process. This not only makes you respected amongst the other professionals at the event but also fills your client with trust that you are going to deliver their images to the standard you had previously agreed.


Event Photography Ethics


What is the Importance of Ethics in Event Photography?

As an event photographer, you have a responsibility to document an event accurately in order to preserve it for your clients. 

If you, the event photographer, fail to adhere to the generally agreed ethical principles of event photography, then you do not just lose your own integrity as a professional event photographer, but you are also likely to diminish the integrity of the industry as a whole.

But it is not all doom and gloom! As an event photographer, you have the beautiful opportunity to capture moments that may be treasured by your subjects for years to come. If event photography ethics are adhered to successfully, then your role as an event photographer will be nothing but immensely rewarding. 

Additionally, you will build your reputation, advertising yourself as a  professional with integrity, and thus build your business. Event photography ethics matter for these reasons as well – they are as much about protecting and enhancing the professional photographic industry as they are about protecting the customer. 


If you are in need of an event photographer, consider booking one through Splento. Splento will provide you with trustworthy and professional photographers – even within just two hours of booking, if needed!

Contact us today to see what we can do for you and your event.

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