
What your conference photographer should know Shooting speakers on stage


If you are new to conference photography, it can take a little bit of time and practice to learn the craft. Check out our guide below to shooting live speakers as an expo and conference photographer. These tips are useful whether you are just starting out as a conference photographer, or if you are looking to book a conference photographer for your own conference.


Conference Photography Lighting Setup 

Conferences are often low-light settings due to their indoor nature. Unpredictable, low-light conditions can interfere with the clarity of your images. An easy resolution to this is to invest in an external flash. However, if you are shooting speakers on stage then a constant flash can become very irritating and distracting for your speakers very quickly. 

It is always a smart idea if you think flash is the best option at that conference venue to ask your client’s preference on this before the conference begins.

Alternatively, you will need an alternate lighting rig to ensure you get the perfect shots.


Conference Photography Equipment 

To get the most out of shooting speakers on stage, as a conference photographer it is important to have the right equipment. We know that trying to find the best camera for your conference photography needs can be a challenge so feel free to check out our guide to the 5 Best Cameras for Conference Coverage.


Conference photography


Indoor Conference Photography Camera Settings

Before you can begin capturing speakers at your client’s conference it is a good idea to get familiar with the best camera settings for conference photography. Here are a few conference photographer essential tips:

    • You are going to want to shoot with a wide-range lens. A low f-stop is a good choice for indoor conference photography – we recommend between f/2.8 and f/4. Shooting with a low aperture will let the most light in which will work well in a low-light conference setting.
    • A high ISO is going to help with the conference lighting situation. A common ISO range for conference photography is 800-1600 but it might take a bit of experimenting with these camera settings when you get to the venue. 
    • This is more a practical piece of wisdom than a technical one, but if you have your camera set on an autofocus camera setting, then make sure that you have adjusted the camera settings so that your camera does not make a noise when the lens focuses – many cameras do, and this can be quite distracting!


Take Plenty of Photos of the Speakers on Stage

It is important to take many photos of the speaker on stage when photographing them at a conference. You should experiment with different angles around the speaker, and as they alter their facial expressions, you want the full range of emotions to be captured. Movement from your speaker can also cause the background lighting to shift so you need to maximise your chance of getting the best photos with the best possible lighting. 

If you have a good range of photos of your speaker, once the conference has done you can sift through your images and select only the best photos to send on to your clients, ensuring that you deliver a consistent, best-quality service. 


We hope that our essential tips for shooting speakers as a conference photographer prove useful to you in your conference photography venture. 

If you are looking for a conference photographer, Splento offers a range of cost-effective conference photography packages.

A Splento conference photographer will have everyone feeling like they were in the front row of your conference. 

Need an expert photographer near me for your next occasion? Discover and book the best local photographers through Splento today!