
Activities to do with your children during the weekend Ideas to keep them busy this summer


Summer has finally arrived, and with that, it means the fun can begin. However, many parents are still working during the weekdays, meaning they are too busy to do exciting activities with their children from Monday to Friday. But don’t worry, you can still do something thrilling every weekend with your little ones this summer. Not only will families be able to spend time doing these great activities, but children will feel relaxed after these stressful months of schooling through a pandemic. 

In this blog, we will look at ten different activities that you can do during the weekend with children.


Bike Ride

Many children know how to ride a bike, making it ideal to go on a bike ride with the whole family. Depending on where you live, you might have to drive to a different location that is suitable and safe for bikes. No matter where you cycle, make sure everyone has the right safety equipment and wears a helmet. A bike ride can even be a way for the whole family to be in touch with nature, if you can get to the woods or even just out of town. 

To make the bike ride even more exciting, why not pack up a picnic basket? You can cycle to your destination, have a picnic, play some games, and then cycle back home or to the car. 

This activity is a great way to start your weekend of fun.


Summer activities with children


Water Fight

Summer is known for clear blue skies and the sun shooting out heat. And although some people love this weather, others do not, but no matter how your family feels about the heat, everyone will enjoy this fun activity. Having a water fight will not only freshen everyone up but also promotes teamwork. This family enjoyment activity isn’t just filled with fun but teaches the children that working as a team is the right way to go. To keep this game on its toes, perhaps keep on swapping the teams around. 


Miniature Golf

Better known as mini-golf, this activity is a great game to play together as a family. Most mini-golf companies have different themes, some are underwater, others are safari, but ultimately they are always fun. Mini-golf can be played outside or inside – the choice is up to you. Your weekend of fun wouldn’t be as great without playing this activity, where a family can bond together whilst enjoying their time. 



Not every summer weekend activity has to be outside in the blaring heat. Sometimes it is nice to do an activity indoors where it is cool, and bowling is a great family game. If children are too young to swing the bowling ball by themselves, they can always use a ramp – a little help to ensure that they have fun. 

When it comes to bowling, a family can make a whole evening out of it. Many bowling places offer food and drinks, ordering chips and fizzy drinks is a great way to make this activity even more enjoyable. Bowling can also be a great outing to do on a Friday, a clever way to start your weekend of fun. 


Weekend activities with children



A day out to the museum is a fantastic way for children to keep on learning, during their time away from school, in a fun way. There are many different museums scattered around the country, you could make a day out of it and travel to the capital or you can go to a museum closer to home. This activity is educational (without the children realising) and the whole family has a chance to bond together. On top of this, most museums are for free, which means you have a bit more money to spend at the gift shop – isn’t that excellent? 


Creating a time-capsule

Some memories can be lost over time, but a great way to remember a memory that you might end up otherwise forgetting about is by creating a time capsule. The question is, what do you put inside of one? Answer – whatever you want!

A few ideas are putting something that resembles this year and something that each family member likes. This activity can heighten family enjoyment by painting the box that will be the time capsule. And remember to add the year – to forever remember when it was buried.

After it’s painted and everything is placed inside, it’s time to bury it. Remember to set a year to dig it up – perhaps ten years later or whenever the children leave the house. 


Tie-dye an old t-shirt

There are many YouTube and TikTok videos to show families how to tie-dye. Truth be told, this is a messy activity, but it’s perfect for family enjoyment. To continue the creativity after the tie-dye part is over, families can use a pair of scissors and cut little strings at the bottom of the shirt. After that, parents can help children to tie beads to the bottom of the tops. These tie-dye tops are perfect to use on holiday or when a family goes to the beach. 



The perfect summer weekend activity is going swimming as it is fun for everyone. If you live near the beach, you’re lucky, but if not you can always make a day trip and travel to one. These fun days to the beach and pool are the perfect time to show off your new tie-dye tops; they are snazzy and every other family will want one. 

Don’t forget to bring sun cream and some floats. Maybe bring a ball to play inside the water and out. And if this weekend of fun is at the beach, why not hold a family sandcastle competition?


Activities for the weekend


Making ice-cream

For this activity, an ice cream maker is not necessarily needed, as there are many recipes online that explain how to make ice cream without one. A great time to do this task is when the weather isn’t sunny, such as when the heat has caused a thunderstorm and you have to stay inside. With this activity, you can be creative and add different fruits, such as strawberry, banana or even lemon. It does take time for ice cream to set, but by the next day when the sun is back out, the ice cream that you have made together as a family is perfect to have. 



A great way to end your family weekend of fun is by doing some stargazing. The news often updates everyone when the night sky is clear enough to study the stars and perhaps even see a shooting star. And information is always available online. Even if the sky isn’t that clear, stargazing is a nice relaxing activity to do as a family, maybe you could even make some smores – now doesn’t that just sound tasty?

Remember, if you do see a shooting star – make a wish!


All of these activities are great to do during the weekend and most of them are not expensive. However, after a long week at work, anyone would like to remember all of these memories that they’ve created with their children during the weekend. 

Photos are the best way to keep all of these memories close to your heart. We all have phones meaning it’s easy to take photos and keep them.

But with so many great photos, many people find their space being filled up on their phones. With this in mind, we have created the Splento App. You no longer have to worry about storage as this app is on the cloud – meaning you never have to delete a special memory ever again. 

On the app, a user can create an album for each weekend activity they do, making it easier to find all of these memories as they are organised neatly. 

If you are interested in the idea of keeping all of your memories in a safe haven, and want to learn a bit more about the app, then Exploring the Splento App for parents explains it all in more detail. 


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